Sunday, May 31, 2009

What I'll be buying ~FINAL~

  • Neptina - Diana+ backing for Kodak Instant thingys*
  • 35mm Diana+ backing
  • AtLA Books Two and Three
  • TBBT Season One
  • Bel - that lame TH shirt*


*needs money from you

Leavin' on a jetplane

Bought two packs of Polaroid 600 film. Nearly bought 35mm film, but decided against it. Shall buy random China-made film for my camera to increase my cool factor.

I'll miss you guys D: Hold a nice thought for me in your minds.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The day before the day before I leave for Hong Kong

We're pretty much set. I just have to pack my clothes, but I'm known to pack light and quick. Mom says I just have to pack maybe three shirts and a pair of shorts (and underwear, but you don't need to know that) and I can buy clothes there and wear them. Yup. This will prepare me for my future travels, where I'll probably fall asleep in London and wake up in Tokyo.

If you know what I mean.

Well, I hope I don't die in Hong Kong. Or fall sick and be diagnosed with H1N1. I still want you guys to visit me, okay? And give me homework, chocolates, and maybe Star Trek DVDs.



Friday, May 29, 2009


CBS DOESN'T STREAM IN MY 'GEOGRAPHIC REGION' that is quite unfair :( :( :( :(

But no fear, because I WILL NEVER GIVE UP.

Oh yeah, I was watching an interview with the cast of Star Trek TOS and it was from 1982, when Americans still called Beijing 'Peking'. And the bro hug that Shatner and Nimoy shared was really cute. I don't know how to describe it, but it made my inner fangirl (or outer one, hehe) do cartwheels of squee.

Eye candy for today:


I want to pull his zipper all the way down.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I just don't know.

Final post before I sleep.


oh u James

What I'm buying from Hong Kong!


  • Avatar Books Two and Three (THUS COMPLETING MY COLLECTION)
  • Season One of The Big Bang Theory (THUS FUELLING MY GEEKINESS)
  • A 35mm backing for my Diana+ (THUS INDUCING ENVY FROM OTHERS WHO DON'T HAVE IT)

And that's about it. I would have around HK$300 left.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I went bookstore hopping today / book post

Yes, I skipped school. But instead of lazing the day away at home, I went out with my dad and Zachary (he had a parent-teacher conference later, and he had the day off too).

Firstly, we went to the Borders store at Parkway Parade (I love it there), and I took a gander at their science fiction racks. Not enough Trek, but plenty of Star Wars to remind me that I haven't finished Episode VII (in book form) yet. Alas, other books came my way! Also, I'd like to take some time to rant that almost every Star Trek book is about Jean-Luc Picard and others but not the original TOS crew. Not that I have anything against Picard and Riker and the rest, I'd just like to see more of Kirk and the gang. I've read a non-TOS novel, and it's quite nice, but jeez.

After Zachary's PTC (which I did not attend because I was engrossed in my nice-smelling Trek novel), we went to Wheelock Place, where I popped in to Borders to find a book, which they did not have. Again, I checked out the sci fi shelves. Same results - not enough Trek.

Then we went to Page One. ***THEY SHIFTED THE COMIC BOOKS ARGH I COULDN'T FIND THE COMIC BOOKS*** I found the book I was looking for, and after promising to pay him back, my dad paid for it. But a trip to any good bookstore isn't complete with the obligatory checking out of the science fiction books! And since I was happy with the book I bought, I decided not to rue the fact that there wasn't enough Trek.

This is the book I bought:



It's a cute book, really. I just bought it for fun, and because it was on Thinkgeek :)

And to end this post on a slightly irrelevant note:


Chewie just wanted to give Leia a present.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Dear you.

I thought that you were mature enough not to believe those rumors, but the universe likes to pit itself against me. In simple English, since you probably failed the subject, that means that you are shockingly dense.

Perhaps you weren't talking about me. That's fine. But you were talking about an acquaintance of mine, and no one talks about my friends. You can laugh all you want in that unfitting manner of yours, with your eyes squinting behind glasses and your mouth open in an unsightly fashion.

I hope you have a nice holiday.

And you, dear friend, have some explaining to do. Who told you? Who else knows? Why is this happening? Did you tell anyone else, maybe a best friend? You know who you are.

I shall not say anything. It is up to you to break the silence.

Sunday, May 24, 2009



Star Trek : The Original Series - REMASTERED ON DVD, I FORGOT HOW MUCH but it's SGD$154 for Season One in the Heeren's HMV


Avatar Books Two and Three - BOTH FOR THE LOW, LOW PRICE OF SGD$199

oh man, I don't know what to buy.

EDIT getting Avatar. Yessss

blah blah blah

I watched Night at the Museum 2. It was okay, but I was most excited about Jay Baruchel starring in a small role. He looked adorable, as always.

There are two books pending on my reading list. I'll give you three guesses as to which franchise the books belong to, and the first two don't count.

I have no money left for this week. The following week, I am flying off to Hong Kong.

white!Aang makes me sad :'(

Friday, May 22, 2009

u r teh failz


all ur nerds r LOL at u
feel my 1337 wrath, minions

Library duties

During my shift and the library, three guys took turns to take shots at me. It pains me to type 'flirt'. But that's what they did, sort of. Well, I just gave them my blank/irritated/annoyed look every time they tried. They know my name. I answered them curtly, and they chortled every time.

I was reading a Shatner-penned book at that time. Very nice.

Watching Avatar!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Going where no finger has gone before


What are you doing, Captain?

Digging for gold, Spock.

It is simply illogical, Captain, for there is no gold whatsoever in your nasal cavity. There are only dried nasal secretions. Captain, for the sake of your crew, please don't let this turn into rhinotillexomania.

James Tea Kirk

Most likely served with ice or chilled :)
  • 1 part Gin
  • 1 part Rum
  • 1 part Vodka
  • 1 part Blue Curacao
  • 1 part Sour Mix
  • Fill with Sprite

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The previous post is a sob story. Skip it.

  • 1 part Blue Curacao
  • 1 part Vodka
  • Garnish with pineapple

It looks nice served in a martini glass :) Not telling you the name :))

I have no idea

I got 24/30 for my English composition. And I'm the highest scorer for that topic, not in the English total for the standard. Sorry if I told anyone and they believed me. Sorry.

I've been saying that word quite a lot. Morosely, sarcastically... Well, I really am. Also, someone should be sorry when I see him, because TANTAAFL.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'm watching Rocky IV!


Party? Y/N

And oh God, Apollo Creed just died. Now you know why we hate the Russians so much.

Coincidentally, there is a Cobra Starship song that has 'Apollo Creed' in its title. I get warm fuzzies when I think about how it's all linked - movies, books, music, theater. Four of my favorite things.

Which leads me to that The Sound of Music's song "My Favorite things", which leads to Panic(!) (I will never let their exclamation point die) at the Disco's song "Build God, Then We'll Talk".

I love it.

Oh, and check out this obligatory Trek gag:


For a moment there was silence on the bridge. Then McCoy asked, "You're kidding, right?"
"Vulcans do not 'kid'," Spock said. - fairly fitting excerpt from "Belle Terre"

What an offer! $5 for a relazing massage - a really relaxing one, if you get my drift.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

In case you were(n't) wondering...

In Star Trek, Vulcan males and females go into heat every seven years, going into a blood fever, becoming violent, and finally dying if they do not mate with someone with whom they are empathically bonded.

I find my knack for thinking of song lyrics to fit a situation quite handy. For example:

One word is gonna get/Your head cut off - Soldout

I was your silver lining/But now I'm gold - Rilo Kiley

I've been dying to say this to you/And I don't know what else to do/I've seen your fucking attitude - The Sounds

Solve the riddles. You might win a prize.

And about my promise never to swear, that does not cover song lyrics. Those aren't my words. I cannot change them.

Also, wow. I did not know my harmless words could be misconstrued into death threats.

Friday, May 15, 2009

What they say is true.

Wilton is a dead man. He wasn't even a man in the first place.

Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn.

Play? Y/N

Futile, I say!


I borrowed two Trek novels today.

This is the one I'm reading now:

And this is the thicker one:

Star Trek has expanded my vocabulary. I am not kidding. But it's a little science-heavy, so all you science failures (hahaha kettles, pots) might wanna steer clear :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Do you pick them? Or do you pick me?"

I am Sylar.

I am not your mother.

But I killed you. How can I be special?

What the hell did you do that for?

That hurt.

Every day has another reason for you to smile

I got Nep's letter today!!! And I finally updated my Twitter :) Man, I don't know why I ever got that thing. It's quite useless, imho.

Nevertheless, more publicity is better than no publicity at all!

I watched Star Trek : The Next Generation today, and the fact that Patrick Stewart still had hair was good enough a reason for me to keep watching. The Sci Fi channel isn't showing the original Star Trek series, though. I'll just have to keep myself happy with jPod (Universal) and Heroes or something like that.

That magazine store hasn't called me about GQ yet. Oh well. I'll go check with them tomorrow. When I get my hands on that, you'll be seeing a very different Zanne.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009



As the final day of examination looms upon us, let me share my joy by showing off you some of the magazine that I have.

First off, the most recent purchase : MAD, $11.70


Excuse my face.

It's pretty hilarious, and I find myself enjoying each little comic. It's all parodies, satires, spoofs, and pretty much anything/everything.


Ohh yeah.

Next, there's that issue of FLAUNT that I have. It's a really nice arts/movies/entertainment magazine with fashion pages and whatnot. Sadly, I forgot to take a picture of the cover D: so have a gander at one of its pages:


Are you?

Then there is the quarterly MISSBEHAVE magazine which I bought just because it looked cool.


"Fashion, Lifestyle and Girl Culture" states its website.

There's also DAZED & CONFUSED which is pretty much like a mixture of Missbehave/Flaunt.


She's lovely :)

I mentioned this in one of the previous posts. It's NYLON!


Yay face

I make the most appropriate faces when it comes to showing off my magazines. For example...


TA-DAAAA!!! What a smile! I look nice here.

Yes, it's a men's magazine, the UK Esquire. And for your information, it's actually quite nice.

I realize that I enjoy UK magazines more than those from, say, the States. Whatever the reason is, the bottom line is that I love magazines, be it about video games, movies, music, or men stuff. And I admit to having bought six consecutive issues of the American Seventeen. Ha.

If you're ever at a loss of what to get me, there's always the option of a magazine. Now, you know what I like. It's just a matter of informing me first, because I might buy it before you do :D

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I solemnly swear...

...that I will not spend too much time on Webkare.

Someone link Unice to that site and ask her to translate it for me :D

And if you want a letter from me, just tell me/demand it from me. I promise to make it as lovely as possible.

Just bein' all naked and emotional?

Tee hee.

"We are SO naked."

I had a nerdgasm.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Oh, wow

"She’s naturally funny in a lewd way, and you can imagine her more than holding her own with Seth Rogen’s gang of raunchy sidekicks in Knocked Up."

They're talking about Megan Fox.

Funny in a lewd way... Megan and I could be BFFLs.


I am officially in girl-love with Megan Fox.

I quote (a.k.a copy+paste) :

“That’s the upside of dating a woman who’s almost a man,” she says. "She likes the same things that you like, but she has a vagina!"

And then: “Don’t print that—that I said vagina.


Force = mass x area

I really have to study my Physics. But things are less interesting when you're by your lonesome.


I bought the May 2009 issue of NYLON today. It was $9.50.


It has a very small interview with Jackson Rathbone, who's playing Sokka in the upcoming The Last Airbender movie. As you might (not) know, Sokka's hairstyle is an undercut, which is something like a bowlcut. Therefore, Jackson only has hair on the top of his head. Heh.

I also want to buy/find the April 2009 issue of GQ.


I'm not buying it for Robert Pattinson, heavens, no. Look closely at the side of the magazine. I'm sure you'll discover the reason why :)

If you want to borrow magazines from me, let me know. I have:

  1. Alternative Press
  2. US Seventeen (oh Lord)
  3. Kerrang
  4. Blender
  5. Dazed and Confused (one issue only, ha)
  6. Nylon
  7. Bass Guitar (that Pete Wentz cover. Slightly damp from being kissed by my cousin)
  8. SPIN
  9. ehhh I don't know
I spend wayyy too much money on magazines. I have about ten to fifteen (or - gasp! - twenty) AP magazines, and they cost roughly $10 each. So that's.... Around $200 spent. It's nice to know where all my money's gone.

Also, Megan Fox is starting to grow on me.

"As a kid in middle school, she’d sometimes take her tray into the bathroom so that she could eat lunch without being pelted by mustard and ketchup packets; in high school, the preacher’s daughter mocked her mercilessly. “One year she came to Halloween dressed in a black catsuit, and everyone was like, Who are you?” says Fox. “And she was like, I’m Megan Fox!” (What’s that girl doing now? “I don’t know—working at Toys “R” Us?” Fox says.)"

She's reeaally starting to grow on me.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Picture this.

His face registered no sign of any emotion. His eyes were hard, but she could not read them. She used to be able to, but the sudden turn of events left him and the rest of them shocked. Now, she felt hopeless not knowing what he was feeling.

She framed his face with her hands. His skin was cold, as always, but somehow it felt colder this time. She bit her lip, not knowing what to say. He avoided her gaze, and continued staring at a spot behind her. She had to do something, anything. But what?

Tip-toeing a little, she managed to press her lips gently against his forehead. Then, she moved to his cheek. And the other cheek. Soon, she started kissing him everywhere, never touching his lips. He closed his eyes, trying not to lose his composure. He made himself think of the others who awaited his command, his guidance. The others who looked to him in this dire situation. He thought of her, in his arms, and he shut his eyes tighter.

"No matter what," she whispered, leaning in close to him, "I'll still be here for you."

He let out a haggard breath and opened his eyes. "I know. But there is just so much... Too much..."

"Shh." She put a finger on his lips. "Let's not talk about it anymore."

He hesitated before looking her squarely in the eye. This time, she could see the pain and the anger in his eyes. She felt oddly relieved that she could detect some kind of emotion in him, but also scared. She could not remember the last time he was angry. Memories sometimes cover bad experiences.

"I have to get back," he said, stepping away from her touch. His voice had an edge to it, one that she was frightened to hear. "Do not try to stop me, for I will not be happy until this ends."

And with one final, searing gaze, he left her standing there, afraid and uncertain.

Saturday, May 9, 2009



Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock Spock


Thursday, May 7, 2009


I want to write letters to people.

Text me/IM me/email me your address and I'll write sweet, sappy love letters to you ;)


R.I.P. Zanne


Tuesday, May 5, 2009




I'm proud of the shading DO YOU SEE IT????????????????
and the hair highlights lol
but the skin color is a little off (all Fire Nation royals do not tan under the sun :P)
aaand I don't have the colors for his scar



what am I doing with my life.

lol banned

I just visited 4Chan out of curiosity and because a friend sent a link and I was faced with a 'BANNED' notice.


Reason for ban: furry porn

Hello. Do I look like I like furry action? No thanks.

Oh well. Off to buy more markers!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm sick and I'm tired of always being the good guy

Hello there.


I guess it's time to revamp my whole drawing style... thing.

You see, ever since I started drawing (I was probably 3-4 years old), I didn't go for any kind of lesson or course or anything. My style isn't very pronounced, just dabbling in various kinds of form, like anime/manga or the Disney kind (lol).

I'm trying to develop my own way of drawing, at the same time, try to draw different characters (this is one of the reasons why I lovelovelove Avatar - so many characters to draw omg). But... I don't seem to be getting anywhere.

I guess I've been kind of influenced by people like b1nd1 (she's awesome btw), who does not really recommend the anime/manga style that much. And of course, Alexds1 and Makani, who are fantastic. Rufftoon (Johane Matter) is a comic artist and she's worked with AVATAR OMGOMGOMGOMG but still, her style of drawing makes me jellouz.

Well, what I'm trying to say is that I gotta learn how to branch out, and not get stuck with the way I draw now. Hell, I'm starting to hate the way I doodle my characters. Argh.


I hope to get a tablet one day :) And a set of Copics, too.

lalalalala how was your day?

Because Zoea told me to :P


I look yellower than usual here... Again, totally edited.

and I found out that the Polaroid I-zone film is NOT IN THE MARKET. WHY. WHY. WHY. WHY.
and lol why did my dad just discover it probably less than a week ago whyyyyyyyasdfghjkl;'

7 people didn't come to school today :D but WE HAD A GREAT TIME W/O YOU GUYS ANYWAY~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Me and my man

I finished two books today. Okay, maybe a book and a half. I read Wolf Queen (Book Three of the Claidi Journals) in less than two hours (IN BED, STILL) and HP and the Philosopher's Stone (I left off half the book from yesterday). A-hyuk.

If I'm not wrong I might over 30+ books to my name. 'To my name' in the sense that they're all mine, mine, MIIIIINEEEE. asdhgkasfs;klgasjfhasdfj yeah I get kind of crazy over books tee hee.

Yeah so, since I'm a stationery fan/dork/geek/lover/hoarder (delete where applicable), I have come to terms with my need to buy Copic markers. But apparently they're like, $7 each?? AND THEY HAVE LIKE 40 SHADES OF GRAY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I intend to save enough for a set of Copic markers, or just buy various shades of gray so I can color everything in grayscale. I REMEMBER MR. HO'S 5 VALUES HOHOHO.

And to tide myself over until the Day of Reckoning, I have purchased two Copic-like markers, and the brand is a China-made Kuelox. There's supposed to be an umlaut over the 'u' but I'm lazy to press alt+(number) to get the correct letter out :P so anyway, my mom paid for these first, but when I got home, I realized that the colors I got were BROWN, not BLACK. And it's not my fault you can't test colors before buying, and that the color chart provided by Popular was disgustingly bad and faded! Okay okay maybe it's my fault for not checking properly but JESUS H. CHRIST.

Plus, the two shades don't blend well :c I shouldn't have gotten a five-degree color difference ahahaha. Oh well.

Anyone wants to help me get my first Copic set? I'll do anything for you... ;)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Zanne is a bum

I should pester my parents for a new scanner. I don't need a printer, just a scanner. I want to scan my drawings agaiiinnn.

Do you know why I don't need a printer? Because I bum off people if I need stuff being printed out :) So if I've ever bummed off you for printed work, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

People I've bummed off :

- Olivia (printed out homework and a lot of sheet music ahaha)
- Afini (caek)
- Mabel (idk but I felt like I've bummed off you once so yeah here you go)
- the three mentioned above (for food - yummy)
- Noel (pencils! but I gave him some in return, hehe)
- Rio (a plastic knife which helped me feed myself and also feed others)
- my parents (for pretty much everything)

And I found my old Polaroid I-zone!!!!! Well, I didn't find it. My dad threw it at me while I was still sleeping, and I woke up and went 'GRAWWHASDHASDKHFUAEJSDKSESD' ('GRAWH WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR') and stared at it for a while then went back to bed.

It looks something like that, but mine is obviously much more cooler :l now all I have to do is find the film!! My best bet is Ruby Photo, I love those guys. Hopefully, I-zone film would be cheaper and thus I CAN TAKE RANDOM PICTURES OF ALLLLL YOU UNFORTUNATE SOULS BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA and waste my money away.

Still. I'm sticking to my 'save at least $50 per month' plan. It's the first day of May. I am hopeful.

Friday, May 1, 2009

This song is not for you lovers

I watched X-Men Origins : Wolverine today, and the first thing I realized was that Victor was in Defiance with Daniel Craig! A.k.a. CHIPMUNK FACE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


Well, it was quite nice, and the fight scenes were really cool. My favorite characters are Wade (foosh doosh whoosh) and Agent Zero (YAY AZNS + GUNS) and I kind of liked young!Victor (Michael-James Olsen), because I love little kids like that. Why, yes, I am a 39-year-old female pedophile.

The young Scott in the movie was quite cute as well. "Did I get them?" OF COURSE YOU DID, YOU UNLEASHED FURY ON THEM LOL. And there was this girl who could turn into diamonds, and I immediately thought 'Diamond Girl'.

Diamond Girl = Stevie B = Cobra Starship = synth = Gabe = sexy dancing.
That was what I thought of.

Speaking of sexy dancing, I recently burned a disk of danceable songs. They're mostly electronic/a and alternative songs, with Ratatat, Cobra Starship and of course, Chromeo. If I'm not wrong, the last song is 'Fancy Footwork' by Chromeo, and it is a very. sexy. song.